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如何度过这个寒假期?How to Spend the Winter Holiday?

2015-10-13 01:56:22 寒假日记 来源:http://riji.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

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如何度过这个寒假期?How to Spend the Winter Holiday?

l had just planned what am l going to in my hoilday a few days ago. First, l am going to play with my friends and do homework together, so l won't need to do it all by myself. Then , we will go shopping, eat together, play some games, and so on. But l will do some study, so that l will get more mark for the exam. Of course, I will spend some days to stay with my parents and go out and have lunch with them, because they are my only parents.


l have l feeling that is will be a very ineresting hoilday that l have.


关于怎么度过星期天,如何度过周末 关于怎么度过星期天,如何度过周末

虽然星期日是被指定为一个休息的日子,我们应该制定一些。好支出的方式。首先,我们应该回顾一下我们在过去一周的经验教训。 “一个将获得超过1的”老研究寻找新的东西是一个非常明智的说法。如果我们不完全了解,我们一直在本周教导,我们又怎能期望了解下周的教训呢?第二,增加我们的知识,我们应该看在星期日,这些书籍,报纸和杂志,是不是在我们的正规课程。这将尽我们有好处。消费星期日两种方式一定会好,如果他这样做的人进行他们忠诚地,贵在坚持。



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