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Love piano Love mother

2015-08-10 11:02:50 五年级日记 来源:http://riji.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

导读: 日记 > 四年级作文 Love piano, Love mother 孙天霖英文名:suter 日记五年级日记http: wWw eorder Net cn Open the...

日记 > 四年级作文

Love piano, Love mother

孙天霖英文名:suter 日记五年级日记http://wWw.eorder.Net.cn

Open the piano ,we can see the black keys and white keys in orderly lines .Do you know ? my friends , My mother’s hope and love is hidden in them.

As we all know , the process of learning and practicing the piano is very boring and dull . At that time , I told my mom I wanted to give up , but my mum encouraged me to keep playing . Now I have played the piano for three years , I can perform some famous melodies , I have tasted the gladness of success .

On this mother’s day , I have played the piano zhou bi-chang’s BIJI for mom , She is very excited when I have finished my performance .I have told my mother : “Thank you dear mom , For your love and giving!”

作者:青岛新世纪学校四年级(一)班 孙天霖






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