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我讨厌数学 I Hate Math

2015-09-21 12:39:12 优秀日记 来源:http://riji.chinazhaokao.com 浏览:

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我讨厌数学 I Hate Math

Amongall the subjects I learn in school, I dislike math the most, because it’s toohard to learn. In the class, I listen carefully to the teacher. After class, I doa lot of practices. But I still have many problems in learning math. Sometimes,I lean it in the class, but after class, I forget it totally. It drives meupset. At first, I ask for help to my math teacher and my classmates.Gradually, I don’t want to anymore, because I think it’s useless. I am sostupid. I don’t want to learn math anymore.



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